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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

BFF House Rules


1. Sending GMs
1.1 must be sent to all members with proper tag
1.2 responsibility and freedom in speech on GMs are considered equally important

2. Attending GEB
2.1 information about the GEB will be announced
2.2 observe punctuality and participate regularly
2.3 failure to cooperate may disband you from the clan

3. Leave of Absence
3.1 inform any officer before taking a leave, and wait for further announcement
3.2 only 1 member is allowed to have LOA at a time, and it is good for a maximum of one week
3.3 termination is automatically given to those that do not return
3.4 officers still include on-leave members in their GM list
3.5 on-leave status does NOT guarantee exclusion from the GMs of every member

4. Quitting
4.1 inform any officer before quitting, and wait for further announcement
4.2 quitting through GM is considered rude and unacceptable (each member has been introduced by an officer, and will be dismissed ONLY by an officer as well)

5. Personal business must at all times be discreet
5.1 BFF is not liable for any damage resulting from personal businesses
5.2 observe proper decorum to members and couples

6. Concerns/Comments
6.1 problems with any member must be addressed to officers; proper action will be taken
6.2 Immature actions are NOT tolerated

7. Offenses
1st offense-1st warning
2nd offense-final warning
3rd offense-TERMINATI0N

8. Members with worthy status and commendable behavior may have certain immunities with the above rules

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